Criminal Defense

Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the complex nuances of the law. An experienced and compassionate criminal defense attorney will not only give you peace of mind, but will also work tirelessly towards the most favorable outcome for your case.

You’ve likely stumbled across this page in desperate search for answers after you’ve been suspected of a crime or a violation of the law. This may be a difficult and humiliating time for you,  but realize that there is hope.


Mrs. Trombley is a dedicated criminal defense attorney with years of experience representing clients in the Tri-Cities against a variety of felony and misdemeanor offenses.  A criminal conviction not only takes an emotional and financial toll on you and your family, but comes with severe penalties, fines, incarceration, and loss of other privileges.  Hire an experienced and meticulous attorney and set your mind at ease.

Experienced Tri-Cities Criminal Defense Lawyer

Mrs. Trombley works tirelessly for her clients to give them the most favorable outcome possible in their case. When it comes to her clients, Mrs. Trombley is a compassionate advocate and fierce defender. When it comes to her work reviewing and analyzing cases and court documents she is meticulous and highly-attentive to details. She will review all evidence, police reports and witness statements associated with your case to build the strongest defense on your behalf. An experienced criminal defense attorney like Mrs. Trombley will know when to negotiate a plea deal, when to take the case to court, and give you the guidance you need to make informed decisions along the way. Place your trust in a compassionate and experienced criminal defense attorney and call Mrs. Trombley today.